Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A better clipboard tools for windows - CLCL

The windows clipboard tools is very primitive, you can only copy one clip at a time, image if you want to copy a 3 clips from one document to another, you will need to toggle 3 times between the two document, with CLCL installed, you will only need to toggle once, you just copy all the 3 clips from document a, then toggle to document b, then select to paste the 3 clips into document b.

1. Click HERE to download CLCL.

2. Double click on the downloaded file to extract it to a folder, the default folder is c:\program files\clcl, opt for this unless you want to install to a different folder.


3. To start CLCL, go to c:\program files\clcl , double click on clcl.exe , notice a paper clip icon at the system tray when CLCL is started.

Scr Oct. 14 13.1804.jpg

4. Before start using CLCL, click at the CLCL icon at the system tray to setup a hot key so you can use it much smoothly.


5. Click at {Tools}->{Tools setup}


6. Click at {Action}->{Add}


7. Select {Menu} for {Action}, {Hot key} for {Call type}, then at {Hot Key}, press {F4}(I choose f4, you can choose other combination of keys). Next click at {New content},then select {History(ascending)}, then press {OK}{OK}

8. Now when you press {F4}, the following window will pop up, showing the history of your clips, just select anyone of them to paste to where you want.


9. It is more convenient to set CLCL to run when windows startup, an easy way to add CLCL to windows startup is by using Glary Utilities Startup Manager.

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